What Is Corrugated Cardboard? Cardboard Vs. Corrugated Boxes

Did you know that the strength of cardboard boxes comes from corrugated cardboard? The fact that cardboard is one of the most widely used packaging materials worldwide is not particularly surprising. What is corrugated cardboard?

Kraft paperboard, a particularly thick form of brown cardboard, is used to make the three layers that make up corrugated board, a multi-layered material. The box’s main body is made up of two thick layers that are collectively referred to as liner boards. A thinner piece of reinforced paper with flutes forms the middle layer, which traps air pockets.

Our comprehensive guide focuses on corrugated cardboard boxes and corrugated cartons, including how they’re made, how to recycle and discard corrugated cartons, and what they’re typically used for.

What Are Corrugated Boxes?

Typically, the term “corrugated cardboard” refers to a particular kind of cardboard made from heavy paper pulp or thick paper stock. This results in a thick arrangement of cards, which later develops into a sturdy box—ideal for packaging. It is the zig-zag pattern of this particular corrugated material that gives the box its strength on all sides of the packaging. The fluting, a layer of paper secured firmly in place with a strong adhesive, is used to hold this zigzag-style cardboard in place.

Some of the benefits of using corrugated cartons or boxes for packaging can include:

  • Stronger – the corrugated card is much stronger than regular cardboard, creating a material that is resistant to bumps, knocks, and crushing, perfect for large or fragile packages.
  • Biodegradable – corrugated packaging can be recycled, and it will break down in the environment over time. However, fragmenting it can hasten its degradation (more on that later!).)
  • Lightweight and versatile – it’s easy to handle and cut, which makes it perfect for many different uses – meaning it’s a versatile choice for your packaging needs.
  • Cost-effective – corrugated cardboard is also a very affordable material, meaning it’s typically in the price range of many companies which need to ship items.
Corrugated Cardboard

What Are Corrugated Boxes Used For?

There are many uses for corrugated cardboard due to its strength and versatility, however, some examples of the uses include:

  • Packaging food products
  • Moving house boxes
  • Posting large electrical items, such as laptops

However, if you want to reuse corrugated cardboard in the home or for work purposes, there are a number of things you can use the corrugated card for, such as:

  • School projects or display boards – projects such as dioramas or any type of art project for children are a great cause for using corrugated cardboard, as well as creating display boards for classrooms if you are a teacher.
  • Additional storage for the home – tidy away bits and bobs by using your packaging in the home to keep things organized and out of sight.

Gardening – you can use corrugated cardboard for mulch to discourage weeds, and shield seeds from weather conditions, such as heat or strong winds.

Benefits Of Using Corrugated Boxes For Shipping

Plain and simple, corrugated cardboard boxes offer the proper level of protection for goods in transit.

From the warehouse to their destination, shipping cartons can experience a lot of changes. Corrugated packaging is made to withstand adverse weather, jolting travel, abrupt temperature changes, and rough handling while protecting goods.

Although no corrugated package is completely impervious to damage, the construction and materials of these bags make them more likely to safeguard your goods while they are being transported.

When goods are delivered in excellent condition, customers are more likely to be pleased. Customers will be dissatisfied if they receive a broken or damaged item. Additionally, everyone is aware that dissatisfied customers are less likely to return for another purchase.

Packaging made of corrugated cardboard is extremely durable but lightweight. This may assist in lowering shipping costs.

Also made from renewable resources are corrugated cardboard boxes. This type of packaging is incredibly simple to recycle because it is primarily made from renewable resources like trees. Corrugated cardboard packaging can be recycled properly and turned into new boxes, paper goods, and other goods.

The versatility of corrugated cardboard is another great feature. Many corrugated packages can be reused multiple times thanks to the material’s durability before they even end up in the recycle bin.

Corrugated cardboard is very reasonably priced due to its sustainability.

How To Choose The Right Corrugated Boxes?

Industrial packaging is frequently required when shipping fragile or unusually shaped goods. The level of customization offered to address a range of shipping needs and difficulties is what makes corrugated packaging so great.

The characteristics of your product and your shipping requirements will determine the corrugated cardboard packaging design.

Fortunately, cardboard corrugated packaging is useful in a variety of industries due to its adaptability.

Automobile parts, heavy medical equipment, fresh produce, and other food items can all be shipped in corrugated cardboard containers. The use of corrugated cardboard is a necessity in almost every sector of the shipping industry.

Engineering a corrugated cardboard package allows for the adjustment of a number of features.

Select a Flute Profile

A corrugated board’s middle layer has arch-shaped flutes that can be found in a variety of flute profiles, typically rated as A, B, C, E, or F.

If you are shipping a product that requires extra padding, a flute offers the thickest profile and is the best option. Additionally, it gives cartons more tensile strength for stacking.

B flute is preferred for fast, automatic packing lines because it was created specifically for canning.

The most popular flute size is C, which is typically used to pack furniture, glass, and other bulky but delicate items. In actuality, it is thicker than the B flute profile.

The least durable flutes are E and F, but because they offer a surface that is good for printing, they have many uses in the retail industry.

Choose the Board Type

The type of board to be used in your corrugated packaging then has four options available to you.

A single-face board is one to which the corrugated layer has only one sheet of liner attached. For added cushioning, it is offered in rolls and wrapped around products.

The most common option is a single wall. This is made up of two liner sheets and one layer of corrugated medium. Typically, consumer goods and other items are delivered in boxes made of single-wall board.

You can add extra liners and layers of corrugated material to a box to increase its durability. A double-wall board is made from three sheets of liner and two sheets of corrugated medium. The strongest of all the options is a triple-wall board, which is made up of three layers of corrugated medium sandwiched between four liner sheets. Usually used to ship heavy consumer goods or industrial parts.

Determine the Appropriate Board Grade

You can now select the board grade that best suits your needs after choosing these corrugated cardboard specifications.

You should select an ECT board if your corrugated cardboard box must withstand stacking pressure. A box’s ability to withstand stacking pressure before collapsing is determined by the ECT or edge crush test.

The material’s ECT measurement will vary depending on the flute profile you choose. For a single wall, this value ranges from 23 to 120 ECT. Your corrugated package can withstand more pressure if the ECT value is higher. When stacking boxes on top of one another, as when they are in a warehouse or on a pallet, this type of board works best.

Choose Mullen board for applications where you need your box to be resistant to piercings from internal contents or outside factors. Higher Mullen values enable boards to withstand more force before suffering damage.

Pick the Right Shape and Size

There are many different sizes and shapes of corrugated cardboard boxes. There are many different types to pick from, ranging from standard slotted, square-shaped containers to full telescope designs for fragile items. You can even choose a one-piece design, also known as an OPF. When printing graphics, having a continuous printing area is especially beneficial.

How To Recycle Corrugated Boxes?

Of course, it’s critical to practice environmental responsibility whenever we use cardboard or corrugated cardboard for packaging purposes. This is advantageous because corrugated cardboard can deteriorate over time; however, there are some things you can do to hasten the deterioration process.

  • Tear it up into small pieces – as the material is so thick, it’s better to break it up into smaller pieces so it can degrade faster.
  • The wetter, the better – corrugated card also degrades much faster when it’s wet!
  • Shredding your corrugated card – by soaking it in water and cutting with scissors, this creates a ‘shredded’ effect, which will help the card to degrade over time.
  • Recycle – although it does break down on its own, it’s always recommended to recycle your corrugated card in your usual local recycling collections.

What Is Cardboard?

Among heavy paper stocks, cardboard can be found. It stands out for being thick and reasonably sturdy, which makes it a favorite for many different kinds of consumer packaging applications.

Cardboard is used to construct a lot of boxes, including those used to package consumer goods like cereal and cosmetics. However, the durable brown shipping boxes that are used to ship a variety of products are made from corrugated board, not cardboard, as is the case with most other boxes.

Although cardboard has many benefits and is strong enough for the majority of consumer applications, it is typically insufficiently durable for mail-order or logistics services. Instead, most shippers use corrugated boards for these uses.

Cardboard Boxes Vs. Corrugated Boxes

Despite the fact that the terms cardboard and corrugated board are frequently used interchangeably, we have seen that they are two very distinct materials. Which option is preferable for your packaging application, though?

Cardboard is typically a better option for consumer packaging. Corrugated board is heavier and less pleasant to the touch than cardboard, which can be printed in a wide range of hues and textures. And on occasion, it is used for shipping, as in the case of the thin, flat cardboard mailers used to ship documents.

However, corrugated boxes are a much better option for bulk packaging and shipping. They have greater strength and are, most importantly, much tougher and more resilient. Since they can support the weight of boxes stacked on top of them and can be palletized, corrugated boxes are much better for stacking.

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Ada Parker

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