How To Open Plastic Packaging? Easy Steps And Tips

How many times have you had trouble removing something from its packaging? Most of us find it to be excessive!

If so, we sympathize with your suffering. So how to open plastic packaging?

Fortunately, there are methods for opening this type of packaging without having to visit the hospital’s emergency room, like making quick cuts with a utility knife.

Use these tricks to open plastic containers that seem impermeable without chopping off fingers or cutting off hands.

How To Open Plastic Packaging?

Swift Cuts With A Utility Knife

Scissors have a way of chomping on plastic wrap, leaving the edges sharp and your hands exposed. To score the top layer of plastic surrounding the package’s edge, use a utility knife. To prevent cutting yourself accidentally or damaging a tabletop, do this on a work surface.

Accessing your product is simple once the top plastic layer has been released from the bound edge.

Also annoying are thick plastic straps and zip ties. For clipping these bands, scissors can occasionally be used, but not in a small area. As an alternative, use a sharp utility knife, but take care. Avoid mishandling it, bringing it close to your body, or using it while seated with the product in your lap. Press the blade flat against the strap (without sawing or pulling at it) and let it slowly cut through to release stubborn zip ties. You can effortlessly remove it once it breaks.

Bite Down With A Can Opener

When using a manual can opener, it is simple to remove the hard plastic edges that seal clamshell-style packaging because they are so difficult to cut through with regular scissors. To cut through the layers of plastic, use the tool to bite down around the packaging’s outer edge and then let the blade rotate. You can easily pry open the package and take your goods out if you cut through three sides.

Opt For Bigger Cutting Tools

It can be challenging to justify purchasing a multitool just to cut through annoying plastic packaging when heavy-duty snips or a basic utility blade will do the trick. However, this infant is one of our personal favorites. Cutting through plastic packages is practically effortless thanks to its sharp rotating blade and battery charge. It works well for disassembling heavy cardboard boxes as well.

Open Plastic Packaging

Tips For Opening Plastic Packaging Quickly

1. Avoid Clamshell Packaging

The easiest and safest solution to the hard plastic cases dubbed “clamshell” packaging is to avoid buying products wrapped in them whenever possible.

For instance, online retail giant Amazon offers an option it calls “Amazon Certified Frustration-Free Packaging” for certain products as part of an effort to alleviate wrap rage. This packaging can be recycled.

Purchasing goods in plastic packaging with an easier-to-open design is the next best course of action. Look for pull tabs or perforated lines that will allow you to open the package without using any sharp objects.

2. Get A Tool Made For The Job

A few products on the market are made to make the task of opening clamshell packaging simpler if the thought of doing it yourself still seems intimidating or risky.

For instance, Walmart offers a tool designed specifically to open the packaging.

3. Put Safety First

Put on a pair of protective gloves prior to opening any hard plastic packaging, regardless of the method.

Get away from anyone who is near you and could potentially hurt you. Additionally, avoid stabilizing the object by holding it between your legs.

If you have no other choice but to use a knife, always cut away from your body. If you do decide to use scissors, pick a pair with blunt tips.

4. Use A Can Opener Or Tin Snips

Prepare to fight it without getting hurt if you can’t avoid the hard plastic casing. When compared to a knife or pair of scissors, tin snips or a rotary can opener frequently perform the task more effectively while also posing a lower risk of injury.

Use the tin snips that you have in your toolbox. The tough plastic was easily cut through by them.

As an alternative, you could place the package’s bottom edge inside a rotary can opener and turn the can opener until you reach the package’s opposite end. The item might then be easy to take out of the package from there.

If not, proceed with the remaining package edges and use the can opener method once more. Alternately, place a kitchen knife with the blade facing away from you inside the now-open portion of the clamshell and run the knife along the remaining edges to release the object from the container.

In just a few minutes, you’ll have an opened package with all of the contents and any printed instructions still present.

5. Spare Children From Wrap Rage

Consider opening the package in advance if you’ve ever had to spend Christmas morning with a crying child who is itching for you to rip open that clamshell packaging and untwist those 14 twist ties.

To protect the packaging in case you need to return the toy, place the item in a box before wrapping it. Even though the item isn’t in its original packaging, your child or grandchild probably won’t mind, and you won’t risk stress or harm by having to quickly open that plastic container.

Read More: How To Reseal A Plastic Water Bottle?

Ada Parker

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