How to Get PR Packages? Ultimate Guide

Interested in how to get PR packages? For your reference, here is a thorough guide to PR packages.

If you run a beauty blog or Instagram account with a sizable following of active users who frequently like or share your articles online, you will undoubtedly be able to receive free products from companies to review.

Companies adore collaborating with influencers because if your posts encourage them to sell more goods, then everyone wins. I’ll also offer a variety of additional pointers to help you advance and differentiate yourself from other bloggers.

Do you feel ready to start?

What is PR Packaging?

A brand’s public relations (PR) packages are curated collections of goods delivered to content producers without a contract or financial incentive.

The recipient makes a post to their social media audience while using the product, thus increasing brand’s awareness as a result of the organic engagement.

How Does PR Packaging Work?

How to Get PR Packages

PR packages operate similarly to other package delivery services. They play a significant role in grabbing people’s attention. Companies want to be sure that the proper individuals will see their items when released and return to purchase them.

Businesses must host blogging events and solicit the opinions of artists and bloggers before releasing new products. The role of PR packages in this is clear. Brands will send these PR packages to individuals who can reach the appropriate individuals and write product reviews. The package also contains details about the product and a sample of it.

However, these packages are not only available to bloggers and reviewers. Many companies send PR boxes to their customers or potential customers. They may also be used to promote a fresh service that the business now offers. After being informed about the new service before receiving it, people can choose whether or not they want it.

How to Get PR Packages Without Followers

Because brands prefer to work together and everyone benefits if your posts increase sales, influencers are in high demand. I’m also going to give you a ton of additional tips on how to get free PR packages from brands, whether or not they have Instagram followers.PR Packages

1. Assess Your Instagram Or Blog Page

Before contacting any brands about a PR package, make sure your blog or Instagram page has a sizable online presence, an engaged following, and high-quality content.

If there isn’t any content on your blog or page, it may be because businesses aren’t satisfied with the caliber of your reviews or because you don’t yet have many readers and your site is still developing and changing. To be sure of this, consider the following:

Do You Have at Least Thirty Posts on Your Blog Or Page?

Simply put, it’s a rule of the internet that more people will eventually subscribe to your blog the more content your page contains. Companies will want to link to your blog and frequently check it to see if you post new content.

The best advice I can give to folks who question how often they should write is to post at least once every three weeks if your review is in the form of a “roundup” (where you examine more than three makeup products, for example), and at least once every two weeks if your reviews are shorter in length.

Is Your Publication Schedule Reliable?

It’s essential to maintain consistency. No matter if it’s once a day, once a week, or once a month, you must keep to your publishing schedule. Businesses prefer it when you demonstrate a dedication to expanding your fan base and establishing yourself as an influencer.

2. Ensure That Your Reviews Are Interesting.

If your makeup reviews are compelling, include a lot of images—including before-and-after shots, as well as videos or Instagram clips—to demonstrate that you are creating content that is both timely and of the highest caliber and that you are showcasing the brands’ goods to their fullest potential. The brands with Instagram followers can offer you free PR packages in this way as well.

Add a Lot of Close-up Pictures.

By incorporating polls, descriptions for the product images, and other multimedia content into your postings, you can stand out from the competition.

Be Sure to Highlight Significant Quotes.

Use blog quotes, etc. to draw attention to and highlight important passages in your review. These provide a TL;DR (or quick summary) of your general thoughts on the makeup or cosmetics.

Make Visuals for the Title.

The image you see on social media before clicking the link to the beauty review is known as a title graphic or thumbnail graphic; if you blog on WordPress, this is the same as the “featured image” you add in your blog articles.

Use some of these headline graphics when writing reviews for your blog, and they will look absolutely stunning. Using Canva, a free online graphic editor, the illustration you see above was made.

3. Modify Your Photographs Using Light Filters

You can still add some subtle filter effects to your images if the picture quality on your smartphone isn’t as good as you’d like. Take the oversaturation of your images, for instance. There are many online tools that let you add filter effects to photos, like Flashback, which gives them a vintage appearance.

4. Speak to the Company

Contacting the business is the next step in learning how to get free PR packages from brands with or without Instagram followers. You must email them with the following information:

What is the Focus of Your Page Or Blog Is

Give them a general overview of the topics you like to write about, the types of posts you publish on your blog or page, and your blog’s or page’s target audience. Do you provide how-to manuals for applying makeup? Video reviews? Text reviews? Inform them if your blog posts are incredibly in-depth and crammed with images. To convince them that you are a reliable influencer, persuade them to read your blog.

Additionally, tell them the total number of people who read your blog or follow you on Instagram. Once they have a basic understanding of it, they can decide if they want to keep using your blog in the future.

How Frequently Do You Release

Tell them how long you’ve been writing and how often you publish so they’ll know you’re a committed and aggressive blogger.

Any First-hand Knowledge You May Have of Their Products

If you’re a huge fan of their work, you should let them know. The only difference between what you’re doing here and what I did in my entire essay is that you’re only giving them a taste of your reviewing prowess rather than demanding free products in exchange for positive reviews of their products.

What Products You’d Like to Review

The exciting portion of the email or letter is now! You can be quite specific about the content you want to review here. This entirely depends on the business, but some businesses only want to send out the products they want to review, so you might not get the exact product you requested. Leave space in your email for them to send you anything they’d like reviewed, and then let them know you’d be happy to assess it, etc., if they don’t want to give you that lipstick or that eyeshadow.

At this point, it might be a good idea to specify your turnaround times. It would be a massive plus if you could write the review as soon as you get the product because it demonstrates commitment.

A Link to Your Blog/Instagram Page/link Tree

You must include a direct link to your blog or Instagram page in the email. Introduce it by linking to the name of your blog, preferably somewhere in the beginning. Then, just after your salutation and closing, you can include a link to your blog or Instagram page in the email’s footer. The first place company representatives typically search for a link to your blog is here. In order to help makeup companies better understand your most recent blog posts and social media activity, be sure to add your Linktree (or online website/one-page site) account, if you have one.

5. Send a Thank-you Email as a Follow-up

Once you have tried the makeup and thanked the brand for sending you items to test out, you must send them a link to your review or Instagram post. You’re building a relationship with this company by reaching out to them once more, and they might even give you things in the future!

They can read your review and might even comment on it or thank you for it. As a result, you will undoubtedly establish a working relationship with the business. They might think of you later and bring you different products to evaluate. Of course, if they are especially pleased with your review, they might add you to their influencer list and ask you to review their new items in the future.

If you are courteous and grateful in your email, make the link to your review obvious and simple to locate, and take other similar actions, you’ll be well on your way to developing a working relationship with the company.

Final Words on How to Get PR Packages

The secret is to continue producing content and being active. If you haven’t been active for a month the brand might will might ignore you. When your account hasn’t been active for a while, your Instagram and blog will loose unique visitors.

This has an impact on your reach. Try to post at least twice or three times per week, and on the days you don’t post, stay in touch with your followers.

Read More: What Is A Tow Package?

FAQs about PR Packages

How Much Do PR Packages Cost?

When original content needs to be created in order to reach reputable sites, digital PR costs can run anywhere from $5,000 per month for brands with an interesting story to $15,000 per month or more.

How Do Small Influencers Get PR Packages?

PR can be obtained in a variety of ways. Brands can approach you because they think you fit with the specific launch or brand, you can apply yourself for influencer marketing platforms like Octoly to receive products in exchange for content or you can ask the brand or agencies.

Ada Parker

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