Does USPS Open Packages? (Answered 2022)

As citizens of the United States, we demand a certain level of privacy from everyone, including tech companies that collect our data, our neighbors down the street, and even the contents of our mail. Do you know does USPS open packages?

Due to Priority Mail’s lack of Fourth Amendment protection compared to First-Class Letter and Package, the USPS can and will open it without a warrant.

You can find out more about USPS and packages by reading on.

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Does USPS Examine Packages Inside?

Before USPS employees or U.S. government workers, there are a few steps to take. They are opened by the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS).

The first line of defense against dangerous packages or packages that might contain illegal substances, however, is provided by Postal Service employees who are on the front lines.

In fact, they’re trained specifically to recognize when something seems or sounds strange (more on that later).

Some Post Offices also have specialized equipment that can detect chemicals.

In other words, Postal Service employees can and will open a Priority Mail box right away if it looks suspicious or raises an alarm.

Due to the overwhelming majority of people sending harmless items, most packages aren’t even opened.

On the other hand, for those that do contain illicit or illegal items, the box will be opened if postal workers notice.

A warrant must be obtained in a further step if it is a First-Class letter or package. USPS won’t attempt to obtain one, though, without strong justification first.

USPS Open Packages

Will USPS Scan Packages?

The United States Postal Service does scan some packages, but overall, it is a totally arbitrary procedure. Postal workers may occasionally be made aware of a suspicious package, which is then singled out. Furthermore, it is more likely that packages entering and leaving significant metropolitan areas will be scanned.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about why USPS scans or x-rays packages, what they scan for, what makes a package look suspicious, and whether or not USPS can actually open packages!

Why Does Usps Scan Your Packages?

Since the beginning of the Postal Service, I would venture to say that criminal elements have attempted to use it for their nefarious deeds.

Unintentionally sending items that could endanger other people is also a possibility for law-abiding citizens.

Because of this, the USPS is required to scan or x-ray packages to ensure everyone’s safety and health.

Imagine if people were regularly mailing cases of shoddy-packed glass alcohol bottles or loaded firearms.

In addition to their legal restrictions, which deter most but not all, scanning adds another layer of security for the USPS.

Specially trained inspectors employed by the U.S. government are setting the standard for package inspection. Office of Postal Inspection.

These investigators have received extensive training to look for illegal drugs, mail fraud, identity theft, money laundering, and cybercrime.

Does USPS X-Ray Priority Mail?

Priority Mail is X-rayed by USPS, as it does with all mail — occasionally, but more frequently in or around larger cities.

This is simply due to the fact that there is a higher likelihood of criminal activity where there are more packages passing through.

You might be tempted to write Do Not X-Ray on your package because of this practice to deter snoopers.

This will undoubtedly backfire, though, as the USPS will become even warier of the contents.

Additionally, the Postal Service does not require a warranty if your package is being sent as a First-Class Letter or Package.

What Causes USPS To Be Suspicious Of A Package?

The handy list of red flags provided by the USPS is very helpful. A succinct summary includes:

  • Packages with a handwritten recipient address but no return address
  • Packages that say “Confidential” or “Do Not X-Ray”
  • Packages that are excessively heavy relative to their size
  • Packages excessively taped up
  • Packages that have been shipped from a different zip code than the one on the return address

Visit this page to see a complete list of suspicious items that the USPS flags.

How Does It Affect Your USPS Package If It Is Seized?

You’ll probably receive a call from your Post Office if your USPS package is seized and it contains non-mailable items, regardless of whether you sent it via Priority Mail, Retail Ground, or Parcel Select.

For packages that only contain a mistake (e.g. an old label that hasn’t been marked off), the sender will hear from the Post Office.

They now have two days to come to pick up the package or make any necessary changes.

Say, for instance, that your package was seized and opened, and that non-mailable (yet legal) items like some aerosols or perfumes were discovered inside.

In that case, the more likely result is that your package will be sent back to you with a warning.

But if your package is seized and it contains illegal items like drugs, prescription medicines, weapons, etc. – you’re going to be in trouble.

What Will Happen If USPS Finds Drugs in Package?

You may face felony charges if USPS discovers drugs in the package you chose to ship via Priority Mail.

(USPS is a federal organization, so using them to commit a crime is against the law.)

However, the number of different factors will determine how much trouble you are in.

For instance, if this is your first offense and the amount was small, you will likely get away with much less than if this is a pattern of offenses and you appear to be smuggling with the intent to sell.

The USPS occasionally works with local law enforcement to carry out a sting operation.

For this type of operation, an agent will pose as a mailman and deliver the package while being watched and waiting for someone to come to get it.

Drugs cannot only be sent through the mail but also received through it, which is why USPS will carry out an operation like this.

Therefore, if enough of this occurs, both you and your recipient could be punished for it, which could result in significant jail time and hefty fines.

Will USPS Be Aware Of Alcohol in Shipment?

There is no assurance that USPS will be informed if you ship alcohol, but there is also no assurance that you will get away with it.

The sound might alert a trained postal worker, especially if you’re trying to ship glass bottles.

Additionally, you run the risk of breakage or spillage, which would immediately draw attention to your infraction (and render you guilty of a felony).

Let’s say, however, that you are shipping something other than alcohol while utilizing a box that was previously used to ship alcohol.

You must conceal all references to alcohol on the packaging, including any images of wine glasses or words like “wine” or “vodka,” in order for the USPS to not flag your package.

But suppose you do want to ship alcohol. Actually, you can do that using FedEx or UPS.

Alcohol shipping does require some additional registration, but both shipping companies will accept it.

Related Reading: How To Refuse A USPS Package?

The Bottom Line

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the US federal government in charge of providing postal service throughout the US, including its associated states and insular territories.

Despite the Fourth Amendment’s protection against warrantless searches of First-Class mail, the risks involved in sending illegal items are outweighed by the penalties, which include jail time.

Read Next: How To Address A Package?

Ada Parker

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